
Life Among the Lilypads

Lilypad damselfly, Ischnura kellicotti. An immature female resting on, you guessed it, a lilypad!

Nearby, a male of the same species resting on yet another lilypad.

The leaves of the spatterdock lily make wonderful resting and hunting places for a variety of insects, frogs, arthropods and even some birds. The flowers of the spatterdock are bright yellow and make a nice contrast with the dark waters of the pond.


Wayne Hughes said...

Oooo. What an interesting plant! I'm completely unfamiliar with spatterdock.

We use a lot of rebar for all kinds of purposes. The vertical tips supply resting places for all kinds! Dragonflies, phoebes, all kinds! But it's not as nice as the spatterdock!

Lené Gary said...

Is that the same thing as a bullhead lily? Love the picture of the birds.

Anonymous said...

for reasons unknown, this plant is more freaky than possums . . .


swamp4me said...

lene, I'm not sure if this flower is the same as a bullhead lily. I have heard it called cow-lily, so perhaps it is. The genus is Nuphar.