
A nice finish to a long day. Posted by Hello

When we left the burn unit on Wednesday evening we were treated to a beautiful moon just above the horizon. All the fires were out, the spring peepers and chorus frogs were already back to singing in the semi-permanent wet spots in the fields we had just burned off. Overhead we saw the silhouette of a woodcock performing its distinctive display flight. The owls were sure to have good hunting once we left -- these fields are home to a large number of cotton rats. Life, in all its forms is a wonder...take the time to appreciate it.


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

That is SO not the Blue Moon of Kentucky.

Oh wait! I'm the one in Kentucky! Sorry.

swamp4me said...

No, Mr. B, it is "The Snow Moon" (or would have been if it wasn't a day past full). I know this because I looked it up in the Farmer's Almanac!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

"Never trust a farmer that tries to snow you about the moon" I always say.

swamp4me said...

But we did have the tiniest bit of snow on Thursday and again today. So that old farmer must have been right.